Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Mother of God

Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
of the Holy Mother of God

 Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace.

May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

In Memoriam

Sister Celestine Vigilia

Death is always a shock even if we know that a person is not well. It saddens us and our experience of the death of Sr. Celestine reminds us that death comes to us all, at a time and on a date known only to God. Sr. Celestine was taken gently to her eternal home at 6:15 a.m. last September 30 while everybody was in the chapel for the Morning Praise. She had a beautiful peaceful entrance into eternal life. As we mourn today, we also express our gratitude for the generosity and encouragement which Sr. Celestine   gave to all of us and for the many blessings everyone received through her for the past 71 years as an SFIC Sister. In the face of death, in our loss and grief, the Church provides us with a proclamation of hope. We are created for eternal life and everyone who is baptized shares in the death and resurrection of Jesus. 

Sr. Celestine was born on July 6, 1928 in Tarlac, the second child of Eusebio and Celestina Vigilia. Her baptismal name was Luz and this was changed later to Celestine when she joined the SFICs. Her commitment to God and to the Church went right back to her childhood and marked her whole life. She wrote in her vocation story that it was her grandmother who taught her about God, her role model as a woman of faith. Her vocation to the religious life started at an early age. She felt a certain kind of attraction to the “madres” and she cut pictures of them from magazines or books and kept them within the pages of her books, inserted them in her notebooks or even between her clothes in the cabinet. She looked at the pictures daily and dreamt of being one of them. She imagined herself as a “madre”, and clothed with a white dress and a long veil with a big rosary hanging from her waist.  She always looked forward to meet and be with them.

When her father was transferred to Guimba, she found her way to the SFIC Sisters. She had piano lessons with the Sisters just to get closer to them and occupy her days. She felt shy with the Sisters but was very curious about their way of life. Her dream was fulfilled when she was accepted as a Postulant on June 15, 1952. The following year, she was initiated to the religious life and professed her temporary vows on May 31, 1954. She made her final profession on May 31, 1957. Her piano studies with the Sisters prepared her for her music ministry in Bayombong, San Jose City, Solano, Manaoag, Ilagan, San Felipe and San Narciso, Zambales. She was also the Canteen Manager and Dean at the Jurgens Hall of SJCQC, in-charge of the Dorm and Food Management at the Little Flower Retreat House, Baguio City. In all her ministries, Sr. Celestine was a self-taught, hard-working and determined person. She was someone for whom her relationship with God and love of other people was fundamental to her whole identity. Her interest in other people was generous and genuine. 

Her mental and physical pains from thyroid problem, breast cancer, heart aneurysm and bone fracture  

are now over. Sr. Celestine suffered a lot the past three years and remained other-centred and uncomplaining. She gave great witness to suffering during her illness. She had the strength of faith she needed to carry the cross of her sickness and death. She prepared well for her passing from this world through her authentic Gospel life that enabled her to become a channel of God’s love. She was a successful person whose success came to her not by her degrees or books, but by her integrity, hard work, talents and ability, put to work in building God’s Reign. In all she did, she was teaching others how to live and love life, the greatest gift God has given us. A life well lived has no ending. Today we truly celebrate the culmination of a rich and successful life of 95 years. We believe now that she has received her reward of God’s eternal and loving presence and enjoying it in the company of her loved ones who have gone ahead of her. We bless and thank God for all that she was and we entrust her good and gracious soul to God confident that she will know new life, eternal life in Christ. 

May you rest in God’s peace and loving embrace, Sr. Celestine!

Sister Severina Aquino, SFIC

Sr. Severina knew that her last days were approaching and she deeply felt that God was calling her to her true home. She was aware of Christ’s invitation, “Come, you blessed by My Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25:34). In our faith we can take great comfort in knowing this, not only because Sr. Severina is now released from her pains but because we know of the very good work she did in life. She prepared well for her passing from this world by living well, by living the Gospel which gave her a window into God’s wisdom she shared with all of us. We heard from those whose lives she touched how they felt her acts of kindness, her interest in their well-being and her impact as a religious on their lives; as teacher/instructor at SJC College of Arts and Sciences, and Royal Carpenter Academy (Colegio San Jose de Alaminos); as treasurer of the Province, at the SFIC Finance office and Colegio San Jose de Alaminos; as bookkeeper at SJC-QC Finance office and SJS Mactan; as comptroller and procurator at SJC-QC; as coordinator of SJC-QC Auxilliary Services; as Physical Plant Superintendent at SJS Mactan; as Department Chair at SJC-QC Commerce Department; as College Dean at SJC-QC College of Arts and Sciences; as Regional and Provincial Councilor, Local leader, Substitute leader, Local Councilor and  Rural missionary. She had the very rare combination of top talent and excellent interpersonal skills. 

Sr. Severina is gifted with God-loving and God-fearing parents who first planted the seed of religious vocation in her heart and nurtured it through the years through their prayers and good examples. She was born on December 23, 1936 to Andres and Severina Aquino in Mangaldan, Pangasinan. Her baptismal name is Imelda. She considered Sisters Gregory Salvador and Bernadette Sison as God-sent, for they continued to nurture her vocation until she was ready to answer YES to God’s initial call.  Indeed, God has gifted her with countless blessings:  a God-centered family, a happy home, success in school, natural goodness and virtue, good health, adequate material resources, as well as limitations and weaknesses. After graduation from High School, she expressed her desire to enter the convent but her mother hesitated because she was only 16 years old then.  She was persuaded to study Nursing to be able to assist her brother who just graduated as a doctor from the University of Santo Tomas (UST). But Sr. Severina insisted that responding to God’s call was God’s will for her and that she was ready to follow Him no matter what happens. Finally, she obtained her mother’s wholehearted permission and support. Her mother even composed a poem “My Rose” dedicated to Sr. Severina. Her family brought her to the Little Flower Novitiate in Baguio City and they were present on her Veiling Day on June 15, 1954. She was finally professed on May 31, 1959. 

For her educational attainment, she obtained the degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in Accounting from UST in 1963; Master of Science in Commerce major in Management from UST in 1970; and Master of Arts in Franciscan Studies at St. Bonaventure University, USA in 1985. In 2010, she had a pacemaker insertion and she was diagnosed with a breast cancer in 2013. There were times when she suffered from bronchial asthma and her hospitalization last April this year was due to pneumonia. Her cancer has metastasized to her liver and bones and this last two weeks, her fever was on and off. She fought a brave and difficult fight and dealt with the rigors of her treatment without complains. Our life is such a mystery, a gift of God, and all we really know is that one day this life gift will return to its source, the Giver of Life. The passing of Sr. Severina provokes thoughts of gratitude for the 85 years she lived among us. We are grateful for all that she gave us as an SFIC for 68 years and for all that she allowed us to give to her. In the face of this great mystery of death, we must rely on faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love, and love never fails. Let us console one another with this knowledge. 

Death is not the end but a new beginning. Sr. Severina sowed seeds of goodness that have sprouted, grown and lived on in her community, in her students, in her family, in all her friends, and in all the people and other lives she touched. She was a kind of rock in the community on which we could always lean on. She was a loyal friend and much appreciated as a support in times of difficulty and sadness. She was unassuming yet sat behind many a success story. She excelled in her ministries. She was known to be fair, gentle, kind, humble, generous, hard-working and a woman of integrity. In all she did, she taught others how to live and love life, the greatest gift God has given us. Our respect and admiration for her are immeasurable. She was a great mentor to many people and in all the places where she was assigned over the years. We will continue to hold her many valued memories. We say farewell for now and we entrust to God and celebrate the life of Sr. Severina who left as a legacy of a virtuous life. Thank you Sr. Severina for being what God meant you to be, your long rich life of prayer and witnessing for the love of God. We will miss you. You can rest now in peace and joy. You will remain in our hearts forever.