General Chapter

General Chapter | 10th SFIC General Chapter A Grace-filled Event

The General Board spearheaded the 10th SFIC General Chapter, a momentous event in the Congregation, with great leap of faith and trust to the abiding presence and interventions of the Triune God from its inception until its completion. With all the uncertainties and restrictions posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, proposed plans had to be modified depending on the signals and status received from the government. The General Chapter was postponed twice because of strict observance of health and travel protocols. It was not easy to discern time and again what is most favorable for all. Indeed, listening to different voices both internal and external paved the way to redirecting what was originally planned. The use of Telematic or online conference as proposed by the Vatican was also considered. The General Board consulted the delegates for this matter. Possibilities were explored and discerned well. After all these processes, the General Board finally decided to hold the General Chapter on a face-to-face setting. The month of December was deemed most favorable for this significant event. True enough, the delegates from Indonesia, Kenya and the Netherlands were able to enter the Philippines! Of course, they submitted themselves to protocols: quarantine in the hotels for some days and they continued the remaining days at the Provincial House and in La Verna – Quezon City. 

The General Chapter was held on December 2-12, 2021 at the Provincial House of the Philippine North Province in Quezon City, Philippines with the theme: “For the Love of God: A Call to be Prophetic Witnesses of Hope, Unity and Peace.” It was attended by sixteen (16) delegates:

Ex Officio
Sr. Adriana Tony General Superior (GB)
Sr. Daria Tumin General Councilor (GB)
Sr. Dreena GuerreroProvincial Superior, Philippine North Province
Sr. Evangelina Labanda Provincial Superior, Philippine South Province
Sr. Jane ConcepcionGeneral Councilor (GB)
Sr. Josefa Aldana General Councilor (GB)
Sr. Maria Lourdes Santos Dutch Community/NLC
Sr. Yulita ImeldaProvincial Superior, Indonesia Province
Elected Delegates
Sr. Andrea Goreta Indonesia Province
Sr. Catherine SeraficaPhil. South Province
Esperanza Vistro Philippine North Province
Fransiska NurhayatiIndonesia Province
Sr. Irene Indonesia Province
Sr. Julie SaguiboPhilippine North Province
Sr. Marie Teresita BravoPhilippine North Province
Sr. Melanie Galo Philippine South Province
The following were also present during the Chapter for specific functions:
Sr. Melly Frondarina Observer (Kenya Mission Superior)
Fr. Oscar Ante, OFM Facilitator
Fr. Stevanus Suharna, MSTranslator

The Theme, “For the Love of God: A Call to Be Prophetic Witnesses of Unity, Hope and Peace” fully enveloped the mind and heart of the participants with focus on living more relevantly the SFIC spirit and charism of our Congregation in the present time. Listening to one another and to the lead of the Triune God, the participants were able to capsulize the fruit of their prayers with the formulation of the Policy Statement, recommendations, and decisions. Indeed, a grace-filled moment for the delegates to culminate their sessions with this great work of love!

The newly-elected General Board for the term 2021-2025

together with Fr. Oscar Ante, OFM and Fr. Stevanus Suharna, MS: 

Sr. Adriana Tony : General Superior

Sr. Julie Saguibo : 1st Councilor

  Sr. Jane Concepcion : 2nd Councilor

Sr. Daria Tumin : 3rd Councilor


General Chapter 2021

For the Love of God :

A Call to be Prophetic Witnesses of 

Hope, Unity and Peace

We are called; we are chosen to be prophetic witnesses of hope, unity and peace at the dawn of a new era.   With the present Covid-19 Pandemic, we are confronted with uncertainties, anxieties, fears, and deferred dreams.  The situation has promoted several health protocols to provide safety. 

Our Franciscan spirituality challenges us to change perspectives, attitudes, behaviour and lifestyle.  Our life of conversion moves us to be more considerate of the well-being of the other, more faithful to our life of prayer and more responsive to the needs of the poor, the vulnerable and our Common Home.

The General Chapter Delegates, together with our Mission Superior from Kenya, “legitimate representatives of the whole Congregation” (C 113), anchor our hope on the Triune God for a more credible response to the call towards a relevant future for our Congregation, for the love of God. 


The Provinces, Dutch Autonomous Community and Kenya Mission intensify the living of the four Fidelities to give authentic testimony to the theme of the 10th General Chapter:

  1. Fidelity to Christ and the Gospel;
  2. Fidelity to the Church and her Mission;
  3. Fidelity to the Spirit and Charism of the  Congregation; 
  4. Fidelity to the Signs of the Times. 


The History Book written by Zr. Isidora de Rooy shall be integrated in the initial and on-going formation program for a better understanding and living of the SFIC spiritual legacy.

Study Days for Provincial Superiors, Kenya Mission Superior and Formators/Understudies in the Initial Formation may be held in Kenya for inter-cultural integration.


The Kenya Mission Superior shall continue to be an observer in the General Chapter. The elected representatives of the Kenya Mission retain their participation as observers in the different Provincial Chapters.

General Concerns

The Netherlands Province has been suppressed (C 103) and change of status to a Dutch Autonomous Community has been ratified (Can 613.1 and 613.2).

Rev. Pastor Bernardinus Joannes van Miert shall be acknowledged and reinstated as co-Founder of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Mother of God together with Mother Teresia van Miert.  This is to rectify the 2005 General Chapter Resolution declaring Mother Teresia van Miert as the sole Foundress of the Congregation.  

Ten percent (10%) of the share of the Provinces, Dutch Autonomous Community and the Kenya Mission from fifty percent (50%) of the interest of the Solidarity Fund will be given as support for the General Board. The ratio of the distribution which was determined in the 2009 General Chapter is maintained.

In recognition of the Kenya Mission as a common mission of the Congregation, missionaries from the Provinces will be made possible depending on the readiness of the sending Province. 

In the next General Chapter the number of delegates is as follows:

  1. Indonesia Province – one ex-officio and 3 elected members
  2. Philippine North Province – one ex-officio and 3 elected members
  3. Philippine South Province –  one ex-officio and 3 elected members
  4. Dutch Autonomous Community – one ex-officio member

The 2021 General Chapter be exempted from compliance with S116 of the Constitutions regarding the number of the General Chapter delegates due to the change of the status of the Netherlands Province.

Study Days

The General Board shall organize Study Days for:

  1. The Provincial Superiors, the Kenya Mission Superior and Formators/Understudies in the initial formation.
  2. The Provincial Superiors/PB Liaisons to Temporalities, Kenya Mission Superior and Treasurers to finalize the Manual for Financial Reporting and to expound on the salient points stressed by Pope Francis in the book, “Economy at the Service of the Charism and Mission”.


The Study Days for Provincial Superiors, Kenya Mission Superior and Formators/Understudies shall include the following:

  1. Spiritual legacy of MTvM
  2. Inter- cultural living (mission ad extra)
  3. Franciscan Spirituality (Laudato Si  and 

         Fratelli Tutti)

The previous approval of the transfer of the Generalate from Thailand to the Philippines allows the General Board to transfer its location from Tagaytay City within the specified country. The General Chapter affirms the General Board’s prerogative to plan the new location of the Generalate and to consider the preservation of the General and the Netherlands Provincial Archives of the Congregation.

The General Board will consider the possibility of      increasing the number of the Kenya Mission Board.

Perpetually Professed Sisters from the Provinces and the Kenya Mission may be given ad extra exposure-immersion, integration program for missionary preparation.

A perpetually professed Sister from Kenya may be given the chance to study Nursing in the Philippines.


Holy and just God, we thank you for the great gift of our Congregation.  Bless us as we embark into the future towards the fulfilment of our hopes and dreams and be a sign of your loving presence in the world. May we serve as prophetic witnesses of hope, unity and peace.