
Prayer for SFIC Vocation

Most loving and ever faithful God, touch the hearts of young women to hear your call to “Come and see,” (Jn. 1:39)

Fill them with your Holy Spirit that they may have listening hearts and respond to the call of serving the Church. “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few.” (Mt. 9:37)

We beg you to send more young ladies to our Congregation; bless them with courage and strength to follow Jesus, your Son, by serving your people in the SFIC way of life. We entrust ourselves, “for the love of God” so that we may become worthy of your call with deep faith and humility to proclaim your Reign. Mary Immaculate, Patroness of our Congregation, St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi, exemplars of Gospel life and Mother Teresia van Miert, our Foundress, intercede for us. Amen.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary
(Sr. Teresia van Miert)

O Blessed Virgin, obtain for me from God your fervent love, 

your deep courage, your obedience, your complete submission to God’s holy will,

your wise prudence ad knowledge of the Spirit, your great love for neighbor, 

your zeal for the conversion of sinners and for the honor of God.

O pray for me that I may follow your example

and with you love God with all my heart.


Prayer to Mother Teresia van Miert

O Mother Teresia van Miert, we are truly and forever grateful for bringing to birth the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Mother of God. You are the bedrock of our Congregation. Your life has followed a sublime path of humility and truth. We are encouraged to emulate your example. E implore you to obtain for us the zeal to follow your life of simplicity, submission, love and penance.

Help us to live daily the virtues of the Gospel and happily consider every task a vocation and prayer. As we entrust to you our cares and trials, we implore you to intercede for us so that the courage, strength, and gentleness given to you by God may be ours to share.